Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The Orb Booger
I don't usually post pictures of myself but I suppose I should to be fair to my wife. But this orb booger is weird.
Potty Training
A mashup of Carissa's favorite thing with what's becoming mommy and daddy's favorite thing. Reading (hers) and no diapers (ours).
Saturday, August 28, 2010
The Tattoo Artist

I've always wanted sleeves too. Don't worry, it was washable marker. I keep my sharpies out if reach :)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Dinner Party
We hosted a birthday party at our house for our good friend Denise. I had finished the deck earlier this week just in time. It was a great time and we we're all so excited to bless her like this.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Girly Time
Christina is teaching Carissa the finer arts of being a lady. And yes, I did play a part in this lesson. My thumbs were a test subject.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Please Keep Praying
Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and support. It has been such a blessing to our whole family during this time knowing that there are friends, neighbors, and co-workers praying for my dad. A few have asked for an address to send cards. Remember though, it can take 10-14 days by snail mail. You can send correspondence to my mother at:
Beth & Larry Ayres
c/o Stan Dickard
PO Box 1759
Edenvale 1610
Johannesburg, South Africa
Also, my parents stay in Africa is obviously extended 2-3 weeks or more than intended. At this point, medical expenses seemed to be covered by the travel insurance but my mom is incurring expenses for housing, food, and other necessities. If you would like to help them financially, I have set up a fund at my church (Vineyard - Rolla). Please mail any donations, made out to "Vineyard Church" but marked "Ayres Family" to:
Vineyard Church
PO Box 1213
Rolla, MO 65402
Luckily, my mom has her bank card and we can get them money without any outrageous finance charges.
Thank you again. We love our dad very much and pray with you for God's gracious healing for him.
**UPDATE** AUG 4 10:10PM
The plan is that my dad will be moved out of intensive care tomorrow and to more of a "recovery" type room. My mom will be able to spend a lot more time with him and even take him out of his room around the hospital. He has been up out of bed the past several days and making amazing progress. God is doing a great work here. Thank you all!
**UPDATE** AUG 7 3:15PM
My dad continues to get better. He has been out of intensive care for several days now and walks and talks better each day. It's a holiday Monday so if Dad continues to get stronger, he may be released from the hospital Tuesday! He will have to remain in the country until he is released to fly which could be one or several more weeks. Thanks so much for your continued prayers.
**UPDATE** AUG 8 9:30PM
Dad had another great day with my mom. The doctor intends to release him Tuesday and has given an estimate of 2 - 3 weeks after that to be released to fly home. Dad even joked with the doctor about finding a cargo ship to hitch a ride home :) My mom wants everyone to know how thankful they both are for all of your prayers. They have felt and seen evidence of those prayers every day.
**UPDATE** AUG 10 12:30PM
Dad wasn't released from the hospital today. The doctor has been battling with the insurance company over care. Please pray that the insurance company would work with the doctors better. Mom and dad are very confident in the doctors there so the insurance company's behavior is disappointing. Dad was sad that he couldn't get out but I'm glad he's feeling well enough to be upset about it. Thanks everyone!
**UPDATE** AUG 11 3:30PM
Mom called today and continues to see great improvement in my dad. Each day he is walking and talking better. Today, they got outside the hospital to walk around and after a few laps around the hospital, dad was pooped. It's amazing to see each day how far he's come from having a seizure and being unconscious from the aneurysm. Keep praying for continued healing and recovery!
**UPDATE** AUG 12 11:30PM
Dad got to go on a "picnic" today with my mom. The doctor told them they could leave during the day to go spend time together back at the room my mom has been staying at. So they got drive over there, spend lunch together and watch some Dr. Phil (apparently both Dr. Phil and Oprah play in South Africa). They both enjoyed the time together very much. They continue to wait day to day for dad to be released from the hospital. They received several of your cards today and we're excited to get them. Thank you so much for taking the time to send those! Several have sent money too. I'll be depositing $475 for them tomorrow. Thank you so much! Please continue to pray for his vision. He struggles with double vision at times. But God continues to be good!
**UPDATE** AUG 15 9:30AM
I got to talk to dad for a bit this morning. He sounded so good. Right now the doctor is allowing him to leave the hospital during the day to spend time with my mom. They plan to do an angiogram on Monday or Tuesday so please be praying against any complication with that procedure. Hopefully, a couple days after the angiogram, he will be released from the hospital to rest in country for a few weeks more before coming home.
**UPDATE** AUG 16 2:00PM
Dad had the angiogram today and things went really well. They don't have the results yet but the doctor was pleased with quality of pictures he got. Tomorrow will mark three weeks my dad has been in the hospital and both of my parents are feeling the strain of that. Please pray with us that he will be released very soon and that the angiogram will show nothing but a healthy brain [aside from evidence that my dad has a strange sense of humor :)].
Beth & Larry Ayres
c/o Stan Dickard
PO Box 1759
Edenvale 1610
Johannesburg, South Africa
Also, my parents stay in Africa is obviously extended 2-3 weeks or more than intended. At this point, medical expenses seemed to be covered by the travel insurance but my mom is incurring expenses for housing, food, and other necessities. If you would like to help them financially, I have set up a fund at my church (Vineyard - Rolla). Please mail any donations, made out to "Vineyard Church" but marked "Ayres Family" to:
Vineyard Church
PO Box 1213
Rolla, MO 65402
Luckily, my mom has her bank card and we can get them money without any outrageous finance charges.
Thank you again. We love our dad very much and pray with you for God's gracious healing for him.
**UPDATE** AUG 4 10:10PM
The plan is that my dad will be moved out of intensive care tomorrow and to more of a "recovery" type room. My mom will be able to spend a lot more time with him and even take him out of his room around the hospital. He has been up out of bed the past several days and making amazing progress. God is doing a great work here. Thank you all!
**UPDATE** AUG 7 3:15PM
My dad continues to get better. He has been out of intensive care for several days now and walks and talks better each day. It's a holiday Monday so if Dad continues to get stronger, he may be released from the hospital Tuesday! He will have to remain in the country until he is released to fly which could be one or several more weeks. Thanks so much for your continued prayers.
**UPDATE** AUG 8 9:30PM
Dad had another great day with my mom. The doctor intends to release him Tuesday and has given an estimate of 2 - 3 weeks after that to be released to fly home. Dad even joked with the doctor about finding a cargo ship to hitch a ride home :) My mom wants everyone to know how thankful they both are for all of your prayers. They have felt and seen evidence of those prayers every day.
**UPDATE** AUG 10 12:30PM
Dad wasn't released from the hospital today. The doctor has been battling with the insurance company over care. Please pray that the insurance company would work with the doctors better. Mom and dad are very confident in the doctors there so the insurance company's behavior is disappointing. Dad was sad that he couldn't get out but I'm glad he's feeling well enough to be upset about it. Thanks everyone!
**UPDATE** AUG 11 3:30PM
Mom called today and continues to see great improvement in my dad. Each day he is walking and talking better. Today, they got outside the hospital to walk around and after a few laps around the hospital, dad was pooped. It's amazing to see each day how far he's come from having a seizure and being unconscious from the aneurysm. Keep praying for continued healing and recovery!
**UPDATE** AUG 12 11:30PM
Dad got to go on a "picnic" today with my mom. The doctor told them they could leave during the day to go spend time together back at the room my mom has been staying at. So they got drive over there, spend lunch together and watch some Dr. Phil (apparently both Dr. Phil and Oprah play in South Africa). They both enjoyed the time together very much. They continue to wait day to day for dad to be released from the hospital. They received several of your cards today and we're excited to get them. Thank you so much for taking the time to send those! Several have sent money too. I'll be depositing $475 for them tomorrow. Thank you so much! Please continue to pray for his vision. He struggles with double vision at times. But God continues to be good!
**UPDATE** AUG 15 9:30AM
I got to talk to dad for a bit this morning. He sounded so good. Right now the doctor is allowing him to leave the hospital during the day to spend time with my mom. They plan to do an angiogram on Monday or Tuesday so please be praying against any complication with that procedure. Hopefully, a couple days after the angiogram, he will be released from the hospital to rest in country for a few weeks more before coming home.
**UPDATE** AUG 16 2:00PM
Dad had the angiogram today and things went really well. They don't have the results yet but the doctor was pleased with quality of pictures he got. Tomorrow will mark three weeks my dad has been in the hospital and both of my parents are feeling the strain of that. Please pray with us that he will be released very soon and that the angiogram will show nothing but a healthy brain [aside from evidence that my dad has a strange sense of humor :)].
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Eating Out
We had some pudding for dessert out on the deck with some good friends tonight. The weather is starting to cool down enough that we can enjoy ourselves outside in the evening.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Pray for Larry
Please pray for my dad.
He and my mom, Beth, left the US on July 18 on a missions trip to Malawi. For the past several days my dad has been incapacitated by a terrible headache. Then, last night, my mom woke up and he was not breathing well and was unresponsive. After several hours, he began breathing fine and could talk. They have just arrived in Johannesburg, South Africa to get medical care. At the this time, the doctors suspect malaria. He is stable and walked from the plane but still very weak.
Please pray for God's continued blessing as they seek medical care, God's healing for my father, and ultimately, travel home safely to the US. They were schedule to begin their return this Friday.
**UPDATE** 11:50AM JULY 28
My dad has been admitted into Sunninghill Hospital just outside Johannesburg. He's headed to have a CT scan while my mom works on the admitting paperwork. A Baptist missionary nurse has met up with my mom to help them through the process.
**UPDATE** 1:45PM JULY 28
First, my dad is awake and responding really well. I got to talk to him on the phone for a minute. The results of the scan showed that he had a subarachnoid hemorrage, a form of stroke. It is a flat out miracle that he made it those several days putting up with the headache and traveled to South Africa for treatment. Praise Jesus! They will scan again tomorrow to see if they need to do surgery or other treatment options. The hospital they are at is a great facility and can do whatever is necessary. Their travel home is on hold until he is released from the hospital. Thank you for your prayers!
**UPDATE** 1:30PM JULY 29
I've talked to my mom again today. They've done a few more scans and the doctor is waiting to meet with the radiologist to determine treatment or the need for different scans. One thing that is for sure now is that my parents will be in Johannesburg for several more weeks than they intended. Mom has been hooked up with a great Baptist mission organization for housing and they are even helping her travel back and forth to the hospital. Please continue to pray for my dad's health and also for divine assistance when it comes to dealing with insurance companies. They do have travel insurance that is covering all of this for now, but you know how insurance companies are :) They appreciate all of your prayers and have felt God's presence every step of the way.
**UPDATE** 7:35AM AUG 1
I spoke with my mom late yesterday and the doctors have decided to hold off on additional tests until Tuesday to give my dad's brain time to settle down. It is still reacting to the trauma it has received. My dad is having issues with back and shoulder spasms from laying down this long. Please pray those would stop and God would take away any discomfort. Thanks again for all your prayers and support!
**UPDATE** 1:55PM AUG 2
Today was an interesting day for my mom. This morning she was told she needed $20,000 cash, now. It was very tough news to hear. However, after some phone calls and some help from Sen. Bond's office, the money issue was taken care of. The doctors have decided it is in my dad's best interest to not do any more tests. At this point, they believe that he is recovering well enough on his own and doesn't need any procedure. The risk of any side effects isn't worth the test. So at this point we need to pray for a quick recovery. If my dad can recover enough (improved walking, speaking, eating, etc...) they would move him out of intensive care and to a room that my mom could spend more time with him. They have had him up and walking around the hallways but he is still very weak. Thank you for your continued prayers.
He and my mom, Beth, left the US on July 18 on a missions trip to Malawi. For the past several days my dad has been incapacitated by a terrible headache. Then, last night, my mom woke up and he was not breathing well and was unresponsive. After several hours, he began breathing fine and could talk. They have just arrived in Johannesburg, South Africa to get medical care. At the this time, the doctors suspect malaria. He is stable and walked from the plane but still very weak.
Please pray for God's continued blessing as they seek medical care, God's healing for my father, and ultimately, travel home safely to the US. They were schedule to begin their return this Friday.
**UPDATE** 11:50AM JULY 28
My dad has been admitted into Sunninghill Hospital just outside Johannesburg. He's headed to have a CT scan while my mom works on the admitting paperwork. A Baptist missionary nurse has met up with my mom to help them through the process.
**UPDATE** 1:45PM JULY 28
First, my dad is awake and responding really well. I got to talk to him on the phone for a minute. The results of the scan showed that he had a subarachnoid hemorrage, a form of stroke. It is a flat out miracle that he made it those several days putting up with the headache and traveled to South Africa for treatment. Praise Jesus! They will scan again tomorrow to see if they need to do surgery or other treatment options. The hospital they are at is a great facility and can do whatever is necessary. Their travel home is on hold until he is released from the hospital. Thank you for your prayers!
**UPDATE** 1:30PM JULY 29
I've talked to my mom again today. They've done a few more scans and the doctor is waiting to meet with the radiologist to determine treatment or the need for different scans. One thing that is for sure now is that my parents will be in Johannesburg for several more weeks than they intended. Mom has been hooked up with a great Baptist mission organization for housing and they are even helping her travel back and forth to the hospital. Please continue to pray for my dad's health and also for divine assistance when it comes to dealing with insurance companies. They do have travel insurance that is covering all of this for now, but you know how insurance companies are :) They appreciate all of your prayers and have felt God's presence every step of the way.
**UPDATE** 7:35AM AUG 1
I spoke with my mom late yesterday and the doctors have decided to hold off on additional tests until Tuesday to give my dad's brain time to settle down. It is still reacting to the trauma it has received. My dad is having issues with back and shoulder spasms from laying down this long. Please pray those would stop and God would take away any discomfort. Thanks again for all your prayers and support!
**UPDATE** 1:55PM AUG 2
Today was an interesting day for my mom. This morning she was told she needed $20,000 cash, now. It was very tough news to hear. However, after some phone calls and some help from Sen. Bond's office, the money issue was taken care of. The doctors have decided it is in my dad's best interest to not do any more tests. At this point, they believe that he is recovering well enough on his own and doesn't need any procedure. The risk of any side effects isn't worth the test. So at this point we need to pray for a quick recovery. If my dad can recover enough (improved walking, speaking, eating, etc...) they would move him out of intensive care and to a room that my mom could spend more time with him. They have had him up and walking around the hallways but he is still very weak. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Carissa the Photog
Carissa took this shot all by herself. She's getting quite good at holding the camera up on her own, even with the external flash like in this photo. I'll have to get a camera for her someday soon.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Pink Toes
The girls painted their toes last night. Carissa was excited about it but then after one foot was done, she was second guessing herself. She started to tear up and was very worried that something was wrong with her toes. But after mommy painted her toes, Carissa was excited again.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Deck Project
The hard part of our deck remodel is basically over. We got the railings painted this weekend. Now we just have staining the deck left and some small finish work. It's looking pretty awesome already though.
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